Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The city was just as pretty the second day as it was the first. Once again- wonderful European stores like Zara, Zaza, and Mango swallowed me up- devouring my wallet.

While stores may have lured me in,
I was preoccupied with crepes (one of my favorite foods alongside sushi and fruit) and incredible coffee. I absolutely fell head over heels for their drinks. I recommend the Bistro to anyone in search of fuel or comfort- its name is Punto Caffe.

For dinner I made Enchiladas for her and her father. Substituting many of the ingredients not sold in Belgian stores, like sour cream, and using a new recipe- the enchiladas turned out delicious besides the extreme spicyness. We all took a bite and were nearly brought to tears. Their poor tongues, which are used to pastries and cheese, had to constantly be cooled with wine/sparkling water. I have to make sure that when I cook for her mother I reduce the amount of Chili powder in the sauce.

At night I got a baking tinkling deep in my stomach. Creating pastries has always been a joy of mine- and apparently that carried ove into Europe. Making myself at home I make Banana Nutella Muffin Cake, using honey and yogurt instead of butter and sugar. It was absolutely delicious.

I do miss my baby Albus a little, which reminds me of my cat craze. Walking through Leuven I literally had to stop as tap a window that had a cat sitting on a ledge. 4ish days without cat contact has been hard. Daphne made me cat earrings and hid a cat post card under my blankets while I was in the restroom. I actually managed to get on Facebook today and my sister had posted cat photos on my wall.

With much love
A cat deprived and coffee fueled Chey

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